In what way is your body a temple? Do your tattoos tell a whole story?
A group of scientifically-minded friends of mine gave up on their antigravity machine. Instead, they are taking recent data collected from a very expensive instrument to attempt to build an antimass machine.
They had successfully gotten their antigravity machine to work but it kept pushing away Earth and attracting the Moon, messing with tides and centripetal storm forces, rather than allowing my friends to float freely wherever they wished to go.
To know I do not exist is not an easy task to maintain, pretending as I do to participate in the mass hypnosis we call our culture of subcultures. However, I cannot get to where being nonexistent is without giving up the fun of the hypnosis.
In any case, 'tis fun to have fun with the truth in plain view of those who do not know the truth and wouldn't know how to handle the truth so let them keep pretending and I'll play along 'cause I'm well-trained and easy to get along with in these conditions.
Meanwhile, the seduction of our youth in the game of who gets to claim the greatest influence of them moves forward.
Cycles within cycles neverending.
Imagine, for the sake of hypothesis, an extraterrestrial existence (EE) that encounters Earth. The EE doesn't need our resources, finds our definition of intelligence/enlightenment hardly worth considering any different than the survival techniques developed by the other states of energy we call forms of life and thus puts us down as just another planetary example of how the universe swirls up little eddies of different but uninteresting quanta.
Perhaps you've already imagined or read of others' imaginations to that effect.
Point being we are not the center of our known universe, let alone the center of the sum total of existence of the states of energy as we know them now.
So far this morning, a chipmunk and granddaddy longlegs have darted under my chair and a hummingbird has buzzed my ears, the nearby background filled with trees, insects and chirping birds. No more sound of private aeroplanes in the sky - a lost sound of independence.
If TV channels give way to Internet apps, what becomes of independent thinkers who want no gated communities of the thought process blocking their meandering wonderment?
And no, capitalism does not cause poverty. The ways people quench their hunger vary considerably. Personalities take up space comfortably in a large range of sizes. Some are satisfied with a piece of bread and some are not satisfied with a whole planet of wheat fields and bakeries.
Labels are easy to apply and not so easy to remove. Do not confuse capitalism and communism as distinct features of how we live. We barter our way through life - always have and always will. How we barter is a matter of changing tastes and survival techniques. Our skill sets seem to change but don't - we use our bodies and the stuff around us to transform ourselves constantly.
Do you force, coerce and/or encourage those around you to increase their activity, whether "physical" or "mental," in order to increase the means of barter for you and those who you consider your personal friends, colleagues, associates and family? How do you define the increase?: "improved productivity," "pleasing God in more ways everyday," "serving the people more efficiently," "making me richer in your honour"?
How you wish to present the emperor's new clothes to others is up to you but always, always, always be aware that not everyone is fooled.
These are ancient times. We still live like barbarians, slaughtering each other to get ahead, cutting off deer heads to claim superiourity, and boiling sassafras roots to cure ills we know little about.
Never assume this is the age to end all ages. Tens of hundreds of thousands of years will we continue to carve niches to call our own.
As we move into the moment when we discover we are not the center of the universe, let us pause to consider the points of view of extraterrestrial existence that knows us and the EE that doesn't. When we successfully see those views (and we never completely will, any more than we completely know another person), we'll see ourselves in a brighter light, too.
Is our species prepared to realign its goals to show we are a totally cooperative, non self-centered species rather than a warring, cannibalistic species?
Words are meaningless, ultimately. Thoughts are fleeting fantasies with no connection to reality.
Are you ready to have everything you know - all the plants, animals, buildings, social networks and history - change in what will feel like an instant but actually taken a longer time than you'll comparatively remember?
I do not exist. My name and face have no place, being only a placeholder, a mirage, an image representing states of energy.
I do not own the world but this world is mine to give away or save as I please. I choose to save the world because, although I find so much that is wrong with the way we treat one another and the other forms of life on this planet, there is so much more that is right about us and the way states of energy like us have found to exist.
How will you react when you find we are not alone? Will you form a defensive posture? Will you feel guilty? Will you welcome all the unknowns, including the benign "virus" that could reconfigure all of life as we know it? Would you accept that "alien" states of energy have flowed through us since the beginning of time, that there was never a moment we were not all part of the same universe-within-a-universe-outside-a-universe-within-...?
And if thinking was not part of what we'll do when we encounter that which we did not consciously know existed before?
What if we find our daily lives change very little by new information? Will we feel lesser or greater, better or worse, because we aren't the only things wiggling about in space?
We want the familiar. We want to interact the way we've been taught to interact through our socially-acceptable upbringing (according to local subcultural standards, of course), even if our interaction is considered counter- or antisocial.
These words do not exist and you might be able to see that it is so/not so.
States of energy influencing other states of energy, ad infinitum, with no end in sight.
We want levels of influence to keep increasing in order to provide our children bigger goals than the ones we accomplished in our finite lives.
What if the levels our children seek are so outside our realm of understanding we'll never appreciate what they're trying to accomplish while we're alive?
They already are.
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