
Compendium At The Coliseum

With only these words left to give, seeing that others, through producing children and caring for our place in the sustainable future of this world, give more, should I stop comparing and simply be?

A gasshopper crawls across a tree leaf. A leafhopper crawls across a blade of grass. A squirrel chews on the house and also plants nuts, reseeding the forest that shades the house in summer.

We find the purposes we seek and marvel at the ones that find us.

If I am practically useless and virtually useful, what am I?

Some days, jumbling these words would have an equal effect. On what? On whom?

A thanks to Kellie, Emily, Jesse, Tom, Cedric, Shondra and Sarah.

If I completely let go, how hard will I fall?

Do not leave this box in heat and sunlight.

Songs of my youth play in my thoughts sometimes - railroads, canals, wagons, caissons, roses, dresses, spiders, prairies, kingdoms, flags and ideas refeature themselves in my adult brain/central nervous system. If we take music classes out of school, do we leave our children to drink from public wells, whatever that means?

What are the rhythms that make us move?

If I say I no longer care about myself, how can I say I care about those involved in my life? Contrapuntal contradiction or atonal tonality?

Would a prepared piano make a good composition tool for this blog? Have you ever heard a spider web sing?

If you won't support small businesses, then who's going to make employment plausible?

If you don't know who you really are, then don't try to figure out who I am or where I'm at. "I" is a casualty of a convenient labeling system. That's all I am. What about "you"?

Fin left me a message - time to take a break and unjumble the new image of the bigger picture. If it's not rocket science, then why do people spend billions and still can't see?

Those who pretend at keeping secrets die anyway, so why bother wasting your time with them?

Wise sayings urge you to look toward the light for a reason - darkness obscures the truth. In and of itself, darkness is absence and has no substance - don't mistake darkness for presence.

You'll see.

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