
Mobile Phone and Cell Tower Manufacturers Say, "Don't Blame Us For Your Cancer!"

What is a life less ordinary?  Are you an urban or faubourg dweller?  Do you expect your transportation device to be your sanctuary away from home, or perhaps even home itself?

Well, what if we told you our species can no longer afford to give you privacy anymore?

What if we planted the seeds of class warfare by saying that only the rich will be able to say what is and what isn't a right of privacy by virtue of who can afford lead-lined autos, caravans and lorries?

My life is not my own, I know that.  But do you?:
Full-Body Scan Technology Deployed In Street-Roving Vans
I'm not a fan of Beck or Palin, seeing them as puppets of the Murdoch empire's desire to grow out of the media business and get fully entrenched in running world politics.

Therefore, I'll let you in on a little secret.  Those who play the game for real will use these popular media figureheads to complete their agenda without you even noticing.  It's just too easy to sway those who've been led to believe they're backed into a virtual corner with no hope to do your bidding, thinking they've independently arrived at the same conclusion as the masses.
  • Did you know that non-Oirish tiger teams are already scoping out neighbourhoods where best to make a quick, tidy profit in all parts of the world (for instance, using Google maps and illegal copies of full body scans to detail the locations/routes/habits of those who walk/drive around wearing expensive clothing/accessories), security teams bribed to look the other way and the local police totally unaware or unable to help?  "Average" middle-class families with regular incomes are on the target lists now.
  • Would you believe that nanotechnology is in use in our workplace, fully deployed in the water supply, bottled water/soda stations and vending machines, turning workers into codependent addicts?
  • Did you know that the contents of your mobile phone are periodically collected by mobile phone companies and passed to authorities in order to keep tabs on your whereabouts, friends, texts, emails, music preferences, shopping habits and photography subject tendencies?
You might if you listened to what planted microphones are picking up from conversations of those gathered to hear speeches near U.S. national government headquarters this weekend.  Security cameras, body scanners and DNA air sniffers have identified all the weekend's participants in order to catalog culprits to pin false criminal charges (using networks like Fox against themselves) to discredit the leaders of this first wave and get ready for the real leaders to emerge victorious - again, if you believe what others are whispering/texting back and forth conspiratorially.

When you're rich and bored, fast sports cars and pretty playtoys are boring, are they not?  Why sit in front of the computer playing The Sims when you get real people to play out much more complicated scenarios for your casual entertainment (and fattened earnings in the process)?

Back to my real life, where sorting clothes to be washed is a weekly bore chore.  ;)

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