My colleagues and associates are busy making plans, leaving me a moment to contemplate nothing.
Fidel knows what's going on. He had the opportunity to cooperate, looking at life from the inside looking out, but chose not to. Even so, he's still part of the party to the first party. You just won't find him listed on the guest list but he's fully taken into account all the same.
I am red in the face from trying to tell you that all seven billion of us are involved so don't get twisted around, thinking you'll find some deep, dark secret others haven't discovered.
Everything is right here in full view.
We listen to the wrong narratives, easily distracted.
Let the repetitions go. Meditate by not meditating (or pray without praying). The signals will reveal themselves in their complex but simple forms.
I was tempted to refeed you the information via the methods you've been raised to prefer - religion, politics, gossip, pop idol worship, etc. - look at how many people fall for/into the temptation to administer/practice/believe.
However, that's not me. I don't want worshippers, people who love and/or fear me.
I don't want to be me to begin with so why would I want people to want to know or be like me?
So I'm back to the drawing board, letting my associates and colleagues continue pursuing targets on avenues we laid out in the first wave of the "transition."
For instance, we have people who will put on the label of Taliban telling you they are stoned...I mean, stoning people, as if in an act of defiance. We have put them out there for you to compare stoning to execution (i.e., capital punishment (btw, in the U.S., we call national politics "Capitol punishment")) and abortion.
It is what we do, giving you options to consider. If you don't know what the alternatives are, how can you truly understand the concept of absolute freedom?
Speaking of abortion, did we tell you we have a research lab setting up artificial wombs to which we attach so-called aborted foetuses? The children we are raising from these foetuses will serve us in future waves, their having been fully integrated into the upgraded biological network implant / DNA modification system some of you are already participating in.
If you want backroom deals where the few control the many, we can give that to you. Instead, we'd rather have the full ecosystem function semi-autonomously in order to optimise the outputs of the main functions we provide one another freely.
For some, there's no way to convince you you aren't being controlled by the alien voices in your head telling you that beings on another planet are lonely and want to help us build spaceships in order to send us their way.
For the majority of you, the voices in your head have familiar identities attached to our cultural training.
I'll say it again. I'm not here to refute your arguments/statements that the voices are real. If that's what gets you going, keep going.
Freedom is all I'm after. The freedom to write what I want, even if I don't write what I want in this family-friendly forum (self-censorship is the responsibility I uphold in protecting the freedom of all of us to speak freely).
This just happens to be the moment in which I live, a moment that others are chronicling as history. Having seen the past and the future in many, many, many of its forms, I have little to say here that will directly impact history as we want to write it.
Almost all of our heated discussions in this moment will be forgotten. In the cycles we like to repeat, none of our heated discussions will reveal anything new.
I am unimportant. I am a messenger for the voices of our ancestors and the voices you will hear on street corners, Internet videos and media outlets we haven't dreamed up yet.
I am not the message. You are.
The consequences of our actions are predictably inconsequential. The border dispute you carry on with your neighbour can be wiped out in an ecologically disastrous instant. If you want us to demonstrate that to you again, we can (and will).
As far as I'm concerned, I can die today or tomorrow. I'm an ordinary member of my species and always will be. My life is limited to a speck, a dot, a blip of time between a beginning and an end over which I have no control. The species does not die when I do. The planet will absorb the particles, the states of energy, of which I'm composed, without skipping a beat.
You, us - the species, the subcultures, the interconnected ecosystems on the ecosphere in the solar system we call our own - we're all that matters. Compared to all of us, I'm a nobody, happily so.
I'm going to be here almost everyday, my body withering away while I carve a few words onto this clay tablet. Sometimes I'll taste the wind, note the change of direction and comment about our species' shifting priorities. Most of what we do doesn't matter to me but it matters to you because you're more closely involved than I am. That's who we are, isn't it? Myopic, for the most part?
When you understand that we're in control of one another and yet completely free, you'll see what those voices in your head are really all about: serendipitous states of energy.
Time to check in with my colleagues and associates, find out what they want to do next. If they desire their names on the marquee of time while making massive historic changes, I won't stand in their way. But I will make sure they behave in a tolerant manner, respecting the rights of those subcultures which want to exist peaceably (knowing our actions will appear paradoxical at times).
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