
Minimal Energy In The Visible Light Range

So, while our forces are gathering, with volunteers appearing out of nowhere - poor, broke, hungry, disillusioned, no longer affiliating with one political party or another, desiring no government support whatsoever - tactical attacks are tacked on wall plans.

All levels have been infiltrated - that much has been told to both enemy and friend.

Defensive and offensive systems have been tested repeatedly, clearly delineating the incumbent leaders' expected responses when the crises are initiated and chaos unfolds.

More volunteers will step forward when the mass moves.

No one is safe, including me who did not exist in the first place.

We are game pieces played by faceless patrons.

The ancient tribal leaders met last night and decided now is the time to put the next phase into action.

Worried looks will show on crowded streets.  Uncertainty will rule the airwaves.

The forward wave will move in like invisible ninjas carrying out orders, unwritten in thoughts and thus unable to be drawn out through coercion, when some will be unavoidably captured, tortured and killed.

There is no escape from planet Earth while the interplanetary coalition takes temporary control.

Don't call it war or revolution.  Call it transition.

Either you are a cooperative member of the family or you're an unnecessary obstacle to progress.  Either you contribute your all to family or you are selfish waste of valuable resources.

Social media participation has given us the indisputable evidence of how you live your lives, every last one of you.

Those who gave up trusted public leadership positions to seek personal gain, those who give/take kickbacks, and those who show corrupt tendencies of any kind have been tagged and will be accounted for in the second wave.

Only a few will be selected to explore.  The rest will be left to fight over diminishing resources, hoping their family lines survive the widely varying environmental conditions that will take over.

Why do we recruit the hungry?  Because they're willing to do for the cause what they would never ask of themselves.  They will go to great lengths to receive the tiniest reward for their efforts to keep up their self-respect.  Many will achieve more than their combined states of energy imply is possible.

How far are you willing to go to break the imaginary chains that bind you?  Would you sacrifice your family for the sake of the species?

These are the types of situations and questions we will soon face.  We live in the moment and moments like these make or break whole generations.

I'm just this guy, a part-time writer, who smells the air whenever he gets out of bed.  I'm not the leader you're looking for.  The leaders are somewhere you are not looking, with resources available to them to make possible the dreamed-up scenarios I've detailed above, based on their input and observations of their test plans in action.  During their trial runs, I've learned to stay out of their way when they get angry, which occurred more frequently as the deadline for this first wave approached.

It's up to you to read this as fantasy or reality.  It's up to you to see if that look of familiarity passing across the faces of two strangers in a store is actually a signal between members of a local chapter of the interplanetary planning commission.  It's up to you to decide if you accept an invitation to join a group you never heard of, sometimes disguised as an opportunity to taste a free morsel at your grocer's market or a friendly driver letting you pull out of a side street ahead of him/her.

After all, what is family?  Who do you trust in a city full of people when the power goes out at night?  Open your door to someone you've never met - it could mean the difference between life and death when the first wave is over and the second wave is fully under way.

As the Year of the Woman winds down and we near the start of the Year of the Interplanetary Citizen, you will be held to account for your previous actions.  The youngest generation will be given the authority to decide what to do with you.

Are you ready to be treated like just another free life in a video game, easily expendable and replaced by another?  Would you think that being unfriended means being completely eliminated and recycled to get the precious water you carry in you?

Be prepared.  I am.  Are you?

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