
What if "What if?"?

The curios* implore, "What is the bigger picture?"

An ant explores the ceiling fan light globe.

Having no vested interest in the outcome of local/national political elections around the globe, I turn my gaze toward what the corporapolitico types could/will do for the species.

It is the end game I was raised/trained to play effectively. Ultimately, a zero-sum game, with daily winners/losers.

It is about neither treehugging nor total wilderness wipeout. It involves both.

It is providing a path for the hungry to get to food and a path for the wealthy to get richer - limitations, built into the way our planet works, restrict both paths.

It is not about these words although the words here describe the process at a high level thinly.

Proverbially, the pendulum swings to all points on the compass. In other words there is hope for everyone.

Thus, those who serve the people first and by permission of the people then benefit transparently (amazing, what a large number of transparent steps ahead will do for those who attract others willing to play along) win the most.

Do closed-door deals go away? Of course not. This is the real world, after all, not some utopian paradise where our personalities and family histories become one noncontroversial ode to joy.

In my part of the world, there appears to be a conservative "back to basics" movement gaining traction. Pop culture personalities, conservative or not, are working within the moneymaking system to take advantage of this moment.

I know that people are asking themselves, "If an SNL actor/writer/comedian can serve in the U.S. Capitol, then why can't a talk show host or resigned Alaska politician serve in the White House, especially if an actor/governor already has?"

Hope. That's going to underscore many a speech leading up to November elections in this country. The rhetoric will flow like New England maple sap in the fall. Politics as usual will rule the airwaves.

Now, I'm nothing special, a former restaurant kitchen dishwasher and Appalachian Trail hiker, so what am I doing here pretending to know anything about politics?

I don't. But my network does.

We don't predict elections. Instead, we survey the landscape to determine what makes candidates tick. Political favours never go out of style.

The likely voters will likely vote for whom they like.

After the elections, the select few will be selected to be let in on how true transparency works.

The rest will follow their whims and, where they think it best works politically, the wishes of the people.

Complications arise out of ignored eddies and backwaters.

Governing seven billion people is not an exact science. That's why our network doesn't get involved directly in politics. Our goals are too general, unable to be translated into local politics on an easy changing basis to keep the elected and the voters happy constantly.

The system's not rigged but it's tested all the time, to divide truth from rhetoric for use later on - to benefit all seven billion of us ultimately.

Like I said, you'll see. It's you who runs the network, after all!

*What a difference "u" makes.

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